

November 2015

The European Group November newsletter can be downloaded here. Newsletter no 10/2015 is devoted to migration. Sigmund Book Mohn takes a historical approach in order to identify some current tendencies in Norwegian immigration policing, while Martin Joormann contributes with his perspectives on the incongruity between the talk and action of European political…

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September/October 2015

The European Group September/October newsletter can be downloaded here. Newsletter No 9/2015 includes a report from the Tallinn conference, and a thought-provoking article about therapeutic community tourism by David Scott and Helena Gosling. The newsletter also include information about the 2016 EG-conference which will be held in Braga, Portugal, and…

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August 2015

Our August newsletter can be dowloaded here. This month, we include news from two of our working groups and an interesting piece on the state of Estonian prisons by Margot Olesk.

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July 2015

Our latest newsletter is available to download here.  This month, Ida Nafstad contributes reflections from her field research in Palestine.

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