The EG is a community of activists working towards social justice, state accountability and decarceration. Research and political activity arising from it are two of the most important pillars of the EG. They not only provide basis for direct engagement of our members and action on concerns related to constructions of social harms, deviance and social control but also enables the EG to inspire, support, shape and provide solidarity with, emerging social movements.
Research encompassing social justice, state accountability and decarceration adds to the body of knowledge of EG and aligns with our core organisational values expressed and advanced through activism. The EG community includes activists, practitioners, and academics across many countries who work collectively to act against social harms and injustices both locally and internationally. By sharing knowledge, research, and political activity in a range of formats, the EG works as a collective to challenge harmful political practice, understandings of deviance, and social control methods.
Currently, the EG has six Working Groups to support and develop our research and activist work:
Prisons, Punishment and Detention Working Group,
Policing and Security Working Group and
Crimes of the Powerful Working Group
Social Harm Working Group
Fear and looting in the periphery: Approaching global crime and harm in (and from) the south(s)
Historical, philosophical and artistic approaches on the study of deviance and social control