Past Conference Papers

Many of our latest conference papers can be downloaded as podcasts from our media pages.

Below are a selection of written papers from previous conferences.

Liverpool 2014

Mathiesen, Thomas, ‘Four Themes’.

Padua 2008

Cummerow, B. ‘When it Comes to the Crunch: Public Prosecution of Domestic Violence. Results from the Empirical Analysis of Criminal Proceedings in Cases of Domestic Violence’

Muñoz Aunión, A., ‘War on Terror: Erosion of Civil Liberties’

Petti, G., ‘Practices of Exclusion in International Terrorism Trials’.

 Belfast 2005

Bacic, R. and Stanley, E., ‘Torture, Justice and Reconciliation: Dealing with the Past in Chile’.

Bednarek, M., ‘Economic and Political Changes in Poland and their Impact on Narcotic Criminality’.

Conway, V., ‘Transnational Policing in the Irish Free State’.

Corso, S. M. and Oliveira, A. P. G., ‘Protection or Exclusion: Institutionalisation of Poor Children and Young People’.

De Felice, D., ‘Legitimation of the Final Decision as a Guarantee for the Child’s Best Interest’.

Egharevba, S. and Hannikainen, L., ‘Exploring Police Relations with the Immigrant Minority in the Context of Racism and Discrimination: A View from Turku, Finland’.

Faiella, F., Mosconi, G., Padovan, D. and Sbraccia, A., ‘The Fabric of Delinquents: Penal Trials and the Social Mechanisms of Construction of the Convicted Person’.

Finucane, G., ‘Long Road to the Truth’.

Gormally, B., ‘Justice in the Aftermath of Conflict’.

Hamilton, C., ‘Justice in Transition: Whittling the Golden Thread’.

Jones, H., ‘Modern Nomads: Women in Mongolia’.

Kaspersson, M., ‘Reading Lombroso: Female Born Criminals or Patriarchal Victims?’.

Kedzierska, O., ‘General Comments on Activities of NGOs in Poland After the Year 1989 in the Context of their Legitimacy’.

Kekki, T., ‘Transition in Drug Policy: Questioning the Drug-Crime Link’.

Maguire, A., ‘Self-Determination: A Right in Transition and an Imperative of Transition’. Michalowski, R., ‘State Crime and Human Rights in the Transition to a New Imperial Age: Criminological Problematics from the Iraq War’.

Monte, B., ‘Migration Policies in Germany, Crime and Criminalisation’.

Moore, J., ‘Between the Lines: Personal Recollections of the Hargrave House Project and its Role in Enabling Ex-Prisoners to Make the Transition from Prison to Community and an Exploration of the Potential Benefits of Applying its Founder’s Principals Today

Moore, L. and Scraton, P. ‘The Imprisoned Women and Girls in the North of Ireland: A ‘Continuum of Violence”.

 Helsinki 2003

Faiella, F., ‘Re-defining Safety Politics: A Critical Review of Italian Approaches’.

Jefferson, A. M., ‘Nigerian Prisons: Crime Prevention or Criminal?’

Jones, H. and Wachala, K., ‘UNinterested in Women’s rights? Using United Nations Conventions as a Platform for Addressing Violence Against Women.’

Karma, H., ‘Problems of Evidence in Sexual Crimes: Theory of Evidence and Discourse in the Finnish Courts.’

Koskela, H., ‘A two-edged sword – public attitudes towards video surveillance in Helsinki.

Lattu, E., ‘Physical Violence Committed by Women in Finland: Preliminary Thoughts from Interviews’.

Meriem, B., ‘Girls in high-risk life states: Why will not all endangered girls become criminal?’

Mosconi, G., ‘Prevention Theories and Methods: For a Real Prevention of Imprisonment.’

Näre, S., ‘Visuality, Vulnerability and Visual Harassment.’

Ruckenstein, M., ‘The Discrepancies of Law and Everyday Practice: Evidence from Home and Prison’.

Ryan, M., ‘ Making Criminal Justice Policy in Populist Times; the Nordic model may have parallels elsewhere, but is it sustainable?’

Scalia, V., ‘Listening to the Void: Italy and Zero Tolerance for Youth Crimes.’

Sorainen, A., ‘Queering Criminology.’

Stummvoll, G., ‘Discursive Crime Prevention: Thinking about the Democratic Deficit in Crime Prevention Partnerships.’

Trunk, T., ‘Reducing Truancy as an Approach of Crime Prevention: An Evaluation of a Model Project in Germany.’

Vianello, F., ‘Re-legitimating Institutions: Notes for Critique of Mediation.’