Constitution and Values

EG Values

Watch David Scott, former Group coordinator, outlining the aims and values of the European Group here.

 The European Group aims

* to foster mutual support and cooperation

* to nurture comradeship, collegiality and solidarity

* to emphasise political commitment and direct engagement

* to promote craftsmanship, intellectual autonomy and integrity

and, to facilitate truly emancipatory knowledge.

European Group Constitution (passed at the AGM, 2011)

1.   The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control (EG) is an interdisciplinary and pan-European society that aims to co-ordinate and encourage scholars, student and activists to undertake emancipatory theory and action on concerns relating to constructions of social harms, deviance and social control. 

2.   Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the study of constructions of deviance and modes of social control, and though the focus is on people living and working in Europe, we also welcome students, scholars and activists from all around the world.

3.   The EG promotes the critical study of constructions of deviance and modes of social control by holding an annual conference and through other formal and informal networks, meetings, newsletters and e-bulletins. The annual conference format has some characteristic features, including the organization of a plenary panel to present the issues of most concern in the location where it is being hosted.

4.  The EG has a Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer and a Steering Committee. Other members of the EG may from time to time be invited to join a ‘conference steering committee’ to help organise future conferences. This committee may also co-opt other members as and when they feel necessary for assistance.  Decision making between conferences will include participation from the EG national representatives, who are responsible for distributing information about the EG and the annual conference via national networks. The AGM is the key decision-making forum.

5. A Bank Account in the name of the ‘European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control’ is opened. Instructions to the Bank and cheques may be signed by the Coordinator, the Secretary or the Treasurer as a sole signatory.  The Treasurer presents a statement of accounts to each Annual Conference.

6. The EG Coordinator and Secretary will be elected to hold office for a period of up to three years, after which they are eligible to stand once more for re-election, provided they are duly nominated as noted below.

7. The positions of Treasurer will be confirmed on an annual basis at the AGM.

8. Nominations for Coordinator and Secretary may be made in writing in advance of the annual conference. They may also be taken from the floor at the annual conference, provided that the member being nominated is present, or has agreed to undertake this position.